+(254)717-326-484 or (919) 527 4245 help@synergyicct.org


Why How and When

Creative U–Turns, Blocks, Past Hurts?


Although some things are beyond your control, you do have the power to enhance your life by making the choice to forgive. Forgiving is a sure way to leave the past in the past, freeing you to move to your next calling with ease. Old grudges and resentments can be easily replaced with joy and peace when you are ready to say ‘yes’ to this process.


SynergyICCT offers this process both in small group gatherings and individually over the telephone. You are never asked to share or reveal personal details. During this particular forgiveness process you are guided to your own responses with no need to speak about the incidents, people or details. To determine if this is indicated for you, consider:


Do you notice that there’s an element of ‘blame’ lingering in your thoughts?

Do you experience a negative body response when you think of something or someone in your past?

Are you ready to turn your attention away from the drama and focus on your dreams?

Would you rather continue to complain or are you ready to direct your energy to new possibilities?

Is it time to clear the toxin of unforgiveness?

To indicate your interest in a private phone appointment or group gathering, please call: Synergy ICCT at +(254)717-326-484 or (919) 527 4245
Groups are on–going, please email for next event info.
Your questions are welcomed.